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Thind A, Mohani A, Banerjee K, et al. Where examination bring?Analysis of alternative of start area from exam help countrywide survey in India. BMC Public Health. 2008;8:29. Kazmi S. Pakistan: customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction with maternal and child health facilities. Then, exam help Status Report is produced every three months, and, at the end of the assignment, exam help Final Risk Report is produced. In the 1st case study, the Site Engineer of the project used CPM and S Curve, and, in the second case study, the Project Manager used SWOT for risk identification and risk evaluation, and, therefore, the extent of risk control implementation in these two projects is regarded as medium. In the third case study, no risk control thoughts were intentionally used, and, as exam help effect, there was exam help delay and in consequence cost overrun. Therefore, the implementation of risk management in the third case study is regarded as low. On the other hand, in the fourth case study, the Project Manager used risk management process adding risk identification, risk evaluation, and risk response. In fact, the management team has performed many workshops RMP and brought every precaution step in managing the risks.
